Monday 3 October 2011

Montauban's revolutionaries!

A certain amount of defacing went on in the 1968 Paris student riots. Daniel Cohn-Bendit (born in Montauban) became the students' leader and spokesperson by advocating anarchy and sexual freedom. Visit any Hall of Residence today and you'll agree, he probably achieved those things. Cohn-Bendit's first revolutionary act was to interrupt a government minister (who was opening a swimming-pool) to demand free access to the girls' dormitory. He is now a respected MEP. David Cameron take note.

Less fortunate, politically, was playwright and journalist Olympe de Gouges (also of Montauban,) who advocated equal rights for women, but made the mistake of doing so during the French Revolution. The climate of Liberté, égalité, fraternité might have seemed favourable for her feminist ideas, but instead, she was sent to the guillotine. Some revolutionaries are more equal than others.

La Résidence - THE French Property People

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